Welcome to the next level of the art marketplace.

Neftipedia is a marketplace for artwork creator to showcase and sell their artwork — from Digital art, paintings, sculptures, photography, videography and the possibilities are endless. Join our all-inclusive environment of artists, investors, collectors, and tech enthusiasts


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NEFTiPEDiA Marketplace




About us.

NEFTiPEDiA is the next generation of art marketplace for all types of market, marketplace is catering to the growing world of digital artists, creators and collectors. NEFTiPEDiA Providing the new technology in Marketplace who wants to be the first truly community-run marketplace and believes that the diversity will make it an eccentric and truly one of a kind project in the world.

  • 1 Our Mission

    Become the most valuable Art Marketplace in Indonesia

  • 2 Our Goals

    helping all the art creators in Indonesia and around the world to sell their art

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